Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My Anniversary!

Today is mine and my wonderful husband's 3rd anniversary. I can't believe it has already been 3 years. 3 wonderful years.

I have to put a list in here.

10 Reasons Why I Love My Husband

1. The deep love that he has for me.
2. The way he is able to make me feel as if I am the only person in the world. He makes me feel more special that anyone else in my life has ever.
3. His sense of humor. He can make me laugh at any time, even when I am angry.
4. Hoe excited he is to meet our new baby. His eyes sparkle whenever I read how our baby is developing week by week.
5. His wonderful kind heart. When I first got to know Gabe, I thought he was faking how nice he was. But he wasn't. He really is that nice!
6. How good looking he is. Hey, this may sound shallow, but I didn't want to be waking up every morning next to someone ugly. I am sure you all can agree with that.
7. His compassion and sensitivity.
8. He is a big kid at heart.
9. How genuine and honest he is. He had to learn a little honesty with tact when we were first dating. "Yes, sweety, that skirt does make you look fat. Put on the jeans you had on. You didn't look fat in those" That story still makes us laugh.
10. The way we are still in love with eachother with the same passion and even more depth then we were on this day 3 years ago.

It's actually past one in the morning and I can't sleep, I seem to be suffering from some sort of pregnancy insomnia. Gabe is on night shift right now, but he finishes at 6:00 am, and he will sleep for part of the day, and then we will celebrate our anniversary. We decided this year to just go out to the lake, have a nice supper, maybe go swimming, and sit around the campfire. We both just love nights like that.



Blogger ~Crystal~ said...

Hey! I'm missed your anniversary....:( I'm sorry....So HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!
That was a very sweet post & made me think of all the reasons I love my Honey D.


1:06 p.m.  

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