Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Our little peanut.

Yesterday, Gabe and I had the most amazing experience ever. We went for my 12 week check up (even though I am over 13 weeks) and we got to hear the heart beating. It was so amazing! Part of me was expecting that they would put the Doppler against my stomach and not hear anything. It's weird. I did that when I had to go for an ultrasound, too. I was just expecting that they would see nothing in my uterus and that I was imagining that I was pregnant. I did that yesterday, too. When the doctor left the room, Gabe said "You really are pregnant!" So he is obviously feeling the same way. We were talking to my brother about it, and he said he felt that way even up the point when they were in the hospital and his wife was in labor. He said when the baby came out, he thought "Oh man, this is really happening. There really was a baby inside there." Our doctor said that the heartbeat was very strong and very healthy. It was beating at about 160 beats per minute.

I am wondering how long it will be until I really feel pregnant. I have a little belly now, and even though it hard, it is just little and it looks like the remains of a large lunch instead of an actual life growing inside of me. I am really looking forward to having a large pregnant belly. I can't wait to have everyone look at me the way I have always looked a pregnant women. I honestly think there is nothing more beautiful that the silhouette of a pregnant women. I guess I should wait until I am big and I feel like I resemble more of a house then anything beautiful.

Gabe and I are already staring to stock up on baby things. We just started yesterday. We bought some diapers, some baby soaps, and some baby wipes. It looks unbelievable to see all of that stuff sitting on my table. I am not sure where I should put it away, and I am actually enjoying looking at it when I walk past the table. Gabe and I were in the kitchen this morning when he mentioned, "I can't believe that stuff is ours." All of this stuff is so much to take in!


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