Saturday, August 05, 2006

We are back from Gabe's parents. The trip went well, except a we got a flat tire. We ended up needing two new tires, which cost us just over $300. $300 that we were not expecting. That hurt when we are still trying to save up money for a down payment.

Our meeting at the bank went awesome. It could not have gone better. We were preapproved for a much larger mortgage then we thought we would be (a extra 100,000 more than we thought we would be) Of course we are not going to go for a huge mortgage. Our credit is also perfect, which is awesome.

My belly is really starting to grow and my morning sickness is all gone. Yeah! I am now getting headaches quite frequently, heartburn, and light headedness. It feels weird to feel this bulge in my stomach, when you aren't used to it.

I cater my first wedding completely on my own next weekend. I am pretty excited. I am hoping everything goes smoothly.


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