Thursday, December 28, 2006

Good Morning!

Today is a good day. I am eating my very favorite breakfast of all time. A everything bagel with garlic and herb cream cheese. Yum-yum. (I LOVE garlic!) The best part of all, it is being joined by a steaming mug of International Delight French Vanilla Coffee. Yeah, you heard right. The pregnant lady is drinking coffee, but what's this? Decaf? I found it at the grocery store yesterday! I am so excited. At Christmas time, my sister and sister in law's sit up and drink a lot of coffee, same as we do at Thanksgiving. I was really missing having coffee at Thanksgiving, but this Christmas, I get my coffee! (We are having my family Christmas this weekend coming up)
We went to Gabe's parent's houses this past weekend for Christmas. Things went pretty good. It is still a little difficult for me to be away from my family at this time of the year, because his family does things so much different then me. At least this year, I get the family thing this weekend. I had to pretty much miss it our first year married, and that was really hard on me. We played some monopoly (did I ever mention how competetive I am?) Because there were too many of us playing, Gabe and I made a team, and we won. Show no mercy...well not in monopoly anyway. Haha, that makes me sound a little crazy. I guess that I am. We did have a good Christmas at Gabe's parent's place. Gabe is back to work, and I am still on my Christmas break.
I have started packing. It is slow going, but I am getting at it. We still have nowhere to move...yikes....but something will show up. I am fulling trusting that.
Yummmmm, I am totally loving my decaf coffee. Now, if I can only find some decaf chai latte, I will be in heaven!


Blogger ~Crystal~ said...

I hate that you didn't get the house...That truly stinks. I know what's like not having a home & being faced with maybe moving in with someone else. There is a reason in all of this, even if it's difficult to see now.

2:50 a.m.  

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