Monday, January 22, 2007

This move seems to be taking forever! I feel like we will never be out of here, even though we will be moving out this weekend. I am getting a little bit worried about the move. Gabe's mom and dad won't be coming to help, because they have cattle to feed. Gabe is from a family of 5 boys, and none of them are coming either. It is sort of frustrating. By next weekend, I am 2 weeks away from my due date! My mom and dad will be helping us, and my oldest brother and his wife are coming, as well as another one of my brothers and his wife. I am just hoping it all goes smoothly and that I don't go into labour.
People have been suggesting baby names to us for some time now, but it seems they are getting a little more forceful now. Some of the names are pretty scary, and I don't want to be responsible for my child getting beat up everyday on the playground.

Here is a question for anyone who passes through my blog, intentionally or unintentionally:

What is your opinion on baby immunization's? Do you just do it because it is "what everyone else does", do you not do it, do you have no opinions on the matter?

I have been doing some research on vaccinations, and there is a lot of information that points to the fact that immunisation of children does more harm than good. There are many harmful chemicals and other things added to vaccines. Some of these chemicals and elements include formaldehyde which is commonly used to embalm corpses and is a known carcinogen (capable of causing cancer), thiomersal, a derivative of mercury which is a toxic heavy metal, aluminium phosphate which is a toxin used in deodorants. Other toxic ingredients include phenol (carbolic acid), alum (a preservative), and acetone which is a volatile solvent used in fingernail polish remover.
Vaccines contain not only poisonous chemicals but also foreign proteins such as chick embryo, calf serum, rabbit brain tissue and monkey kidney cells. These foreign proteins can trigger numerous allergic and inflammatory reactions and can produce anaphylactic shock in susceptible infants.

Let me know what you think.


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