Sunday, January 07, 2007

Well, we found a house...sort of. We really wanted to buy, we are ready to buy. Unfortunately, when you are looking in a small town, you do not have a lot of options. We aren't prepared to move into a "fixer-upper" because we have a baby coming so soon, and we know that most of our time will be dedicated to this new bundle of joy. We have found a small place to rent, which is okay I guess. The house isn't that great, it is really outdated, but it is a roof above our heads. The only downside; there is no washer and dryer, so we have to buy our own. I guess that is okay. We would probably have to buy one sooner or later, I guess it is just sooner rather then later. The man who owns it is letting us move in whenever we want, so as soon as things are packed a little better, we are on our way. This will be the home that we bring our first baby home to. It is kind of exciting.
We have done some shopping and we have bought a new crib (and mattress), baby swing, stroller, car seat, and a whole swack of diapers. We are now just trying to find a nice dresser that matched our crib. Baby stuff sure is expensive, but it is pretty exciting to be buying all of this stuff. I even have bought my "coming home" outfit for the baby. It is a mix between teal and royal blue. A color that can be either feminine or masculine. Now, we just have to move and then wait for the baby!


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