Tuesday, April 25, 2006

This life

Well another day has passed by. I went to work and came home. I was happy that I got to spend a couple of hours with G before he went to work. We had our bible study tonight. It went pretty good.

I do have to say that over the last couple of weeks, I have become more and more satisfied with my life. Don't get me wrong, I love G. I love OUR life. I have just been unhappy in the town we live in. I grew up here, so it is really hard to find your niche as an adult. I just wanted to say that I have been feeling more satisfied. I am not sure if that is a good thing or a completely pathetic thing. You know, like you settle in a bad relationship because you think you can't do any better. Am I settling for this town? Haha.

That's life. What can you do?


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