Friday, September 08, 2006

My two tiny new nephews.

I know I haven't posted in a long time. I have been super busy, being back to school and I am now back coaching volleyball. Volleyball takes up most of my spare time. I have practices on Tuesday and Thursday nights, we have league play on Wednesdays, and then we have tournaments on Fridays and Saturdays. I am not left with a heck of a lot of spare time.

Anyways, the reason for the show off my two new baby nephews.

This is Jonah Christian.

He is my brother John and Adele's baby. It is so weird to see a baby that does not look like my family. Our blood runs pretty thick, so most of my siblings babies look like mini us.

This is Adrian Alexandre Joseph.

He is Gabe's brother, Gaetan and Amy's baby. He is just new born here, but he is pretty darn cute.

They took the middle name we wanted, Alexandre (that was Gabe's grandpa's name), so we now have a new name picked out for a boy.

We are still sticking with Elijah as the first name, but we think we are going to go James as a middle name after my brother. My brother is one of my closest friends. We are the youngest in a family of six, so we really had to stick together if we wanted to survive. So Elijah James. I like it. (We are pronouncing Elijah with a hard J, just so you know)

My tummy is starting to be noticeable to others. I will take a picture in two weeks when I am 20 weeks and I will post it on here.

Its pretty scary that we are the nest ones to be having a baby. There is no one before us anymore. Yikes.


Blogger ~Crystal~ said...

2 handsome fellas!

Elijah James....I love it! But I think you better have a girl name set aside too. ;)

12:26 a.m.  
Blogger Vickie said...

I LOVE the name Elijah James also. Elijah is my favorite person, next to Jesus, in the Bible.

Those babies are so adorable.

3:17 p.m.  

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