Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The baby is down for a nap, so I have a quick chance to blog, even though there are a ton of other things I should be doing right now. I am also trying to do some Christmas shopping over ebay. In both mine and Gabe's family, we do a draw. I have Gabe's youngest brother, who is 14. I am buying him items of his favourite band's clothing. I have already bought two items of ebay which I have gotten a really good deal on.

I am also attempting to set up my tree today, which is bound to end in disaster. I will refer to my son as Peanut (that is what I called him when I was pregnant with him. Peanut is into everything. I find him dragiing hammers and crowbars and whatever he can get his tiny hands on all over the house. He has been very busy since he was born. He is also the loudest baby I know. Putting up my tree, I have discovered that only half of one strand of lights work, and all the rest don't. Ugghhh! I hate when that happens.

Peanut just woke up, duty calls!


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