Tuesday, July 25, 2006

This is a good day...

Well, this is my 100th post. Cool. I am fairly excited about that.

Also, it is looking like we may not have to move, which is so awesome. Nevertheless, we went through the whole house and stripped most things that are not necessity and packed them up. My house is so barren. I have taken some pictures to show you how empty is it right now. It feels like no one lives here, sort of.

Here is our totally empty bedroom. Our bed (on the floor), Buddy's kennel (can you see him sleeping in there?), and our alarm clock. That is not our normal bedding. It is just a very light quilt which is so nice and cool during the summer.

Here is my office/spare bedroom. All that is in here in my computer and a fan. The bed is gone, everything is gone. Can you tell I am working on my blog right now?

Here is our living room. It is probably the room left with the most stuff in it. You can see my poor, injured husband on the couch watching TV. We have two couches and two chairs in this living room, but you can only see one in the picture.

Here is a picture of Gabe's foot. You can't see the swelling, but you can see the bruise. There is greenish/purpleish bruising all the way to his toes and all the way up to his knees. The injury is now a week old and is still causing him massive pain.

Here is a picture of our dining room. Not a whole lot here.

Here is a picture of our kitchen. Did I forget to mention that our house has a whole "1975" look to it? The flooring and the fridge are updated, but that is all. The cupboards and the oven are horrible! What can I say, it's a rental. We aren't allowed to make any changes. I will be the first to admit it is ugly.

I won't bother showing the laundry room or the bathrooms, because there is not a whole lot you can take out of those that aren't necessities. I won't show the other two bedrooms either, because they are completely empty. The garage is not emptied yet, because their is no place to put Gabe's car and I would rather keep all the tools and stuff in the garage. And the basement? That is full of boxes with everything that are not necessities. Also, the basement is totally 70's. The carpet is honestly the ugliest carpet I have ever seen in my life. I am more embarrassed of that basement then I am of my kitchen.

So there is a little tour of my empty house. It feels so weird, but it also feels good. All the closets, cupboards, and drawers have all been cleaned and all are almost completely empty.

One more picture for all of you. I just recently started showing a little! Especially when I have to go pee. I took this picture of myself in the mirror, so it is not that great of quality. I know it is early for me to show (I will be three months on Friday) but I don't care. I am happy and I love my belly. I also know that a lot of it could be fat, but it is hard when I poke it. It is pretty cool.


Blogger Staci said...

how fun. I love the belly picture. I took pictures every month. Then twice a month then almost every week!!! I even joined a belly group on yahoo- we all posted our growing bellies. It was fun to watch each other grow- then we posted our babies, we were all due in April- so it was fun.

1:09 p.m.  

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