Friday, July 07, 2006

What is that all about?

Okay, so now that I feel like I am over it, the weird thing was all the talk about miscarriages. Honestly. It was bizarre. Why would you continuously bring up a topic like that with a women who is in her first trimester? When you worry the most about those things?
Anyway, I was in a total panic. There was even a comment made "your baby could be dead inside of you and you wouldn't even know it."
What is that about?
So, I was freaking out, because that day I didn't have any morning sickness. I have been told that if you don't have any of the usual symtoms, that could be sign that something is wrong.
I went home feeling upset and completely freaked out.
The conversation battled between the miscarriages and the fact that I was going to be a bad mother. That wasn't said exactly, but the one girl. The one who was making all of the comments is so bitter.
She has one child and another one on the way. She was telling me how I was going to have no clue what to do and how everything I was reading or planning was wrong. Even the fact that I wanted to use cloth diapers instead of disposable ones was badmouthed by her.
That all of the books in the world would never prepare me.
Don't get me wrong. I know that having kids is going to be tough. Really tough.
I have, however, spent my whole life around babies and kids. That is just my life. I have changed more diapers then any childless person I know. I have rocked more babies to sleep.
And you know what? It's my baby. If I want to use cloth diapers, that my choice. If I was to make my own baby food, that's my choice. If I want to breast feed longer then six months, that's my choice.
Why would someone look down on you because you eat healthy? Isn't that what you are supposed to do?
By the end of that day, I did have morning sickness.
I need to learn to leave it with God.


Blogger ~Crystal~ said...

Some people can be so ignorant! You are going to be an incredible Mom.

9:28 p.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

I can't stand the Mommy Wars that are out so much JUDGMENT is put on what you chose (or chose not to do). We absolutely lose focus on what's really important--giving our little ones the care and love the best that WE can.

I found your site from another's and my heart goes out to you. You do have so much to offer!

4:39 p.m.  

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