Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Here comes the bride.....

I have not posted in a long time! I do have a good reason, though. I have been busy preparing for Gabe's brother's wedding.

Our weekend began on Thursday, when we took Buddy to drop him off at my mom and dad's. My brother John and his girlfriend, Adele, were there, and Gabe and I got to meet our nephew, Jonah, for the first time. He is super sweet and super cute. We only had time to visit with them and hold the baby for about 45 minutes, and then we were on our way.

We arrived in Saskatoon just after 7. We had to go for Gabe's final tux fitting, and then we headed out to Murielle's house (the bride to be) so I could help her get the favors finished for the wedding, get the centerpieces organized, and get any other stuff done.

Friday arrived, and Gabe and I had some shopping to do before we headed over to help decorate the hall at 1. After decorating, we went out to Murielle's house again, and we got to meet our other new nephew, Adrian. What a cutie! Gabe and I spent a lot of time with him over the weekend and we fell in love with him. I already miss him so much!

We had the rehearsal Friday night, and then the rehearsal dinner. Everything went pretty good. The bride-to-be and the groom-to-be were handling their nerves really well.

Saturday was the big day. The wedding was beautiful, though it was mostly in French, so I never understood much of it. Murielle looked absolutely gorgeous. She was just radiant.

I took this picture outside of the church just after they were married. What a beautiful couple.

Here is Gabe and all of his brothers. What a handsome family, huh? My baby's just gotta be cute!

I took this picture of the couple in the car when they were about to leave. It is my favorite picture I got of them all day. Don't they look amazing?

After the wedding, we went to the place where we were doing our pictures. There was another wedding going on, and I had to take a picture of it. I don't know what you call it, a Shakespearian wedding? Man, oh man. Sometimes you just have to wonder. Things that make you go hhhmmmmmm.

Then it was time for the reception. I don't know if you remember me saying before, but I was the MC. I was so nervous. When I started, I said some nice things about the couple, and I started to cry. I made everything okay by telling the crowd, "sorry, I am emotional, I am pregnant, I can't help it" and they all laughed. I was actually impressed by how smoothly everything went. I had Gabe come up and we gave some advice to the new couple, some of it funny, some of it serious. Everyone told me I did a good job, so I was pretty happy. I even pronounced all of the French names properly. Woo-hoo.

The supper was delicious, the dance was fun. Everyone had a good time. I never got one picture of Gabe and I together, but we have another wedding coming up soon. I will get another picture of the two of us all dressed up then.

My belly has grown a lot as well. I need to get a picture of that and get it posted up here soon.

On Sunday morning, we got and we went to a Lepage family breakfast. We got to spend a lot more time with sweet baby Adrian. He is my little buddy. I just love the little guy so much, and he is really comfortable with me. I could have just taken him home with me.

Here is Gabe with baby Adrian. Gabe looks so tired. Funny, that's what 4 hours of sleep does to you.

After the breakfast was over, we went to the gift opening to say good-bye to the new Mr. and Mrs. Lepage.

We had a great weekend, but not very much sleep. Gabe and I were both so happy to see Francois and Murielle married. They are a wonderful couple.


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