Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Gabe and I are in a tough situation right now. Gabe just sprained (or broke- we are still waiting to hear the results from the x-rays) his ankle yesterday. He is off work for at least 2 weeks because his injury presents more of a hazard at work. He would not be able to escape an unsafe situation quick enough on his crutches. He is in a lot of pain and is pretty much immobile.

Now, to make situations worse. Gabe and I rent a house that is reserved for the doctor. We signed a contract saying that we would move out if a doctor ever wanted this house (keep in mind we live in a small town that no longer has a hospital). We thought there was no chance that a doctor would ever come. WRONG. We got a phone call that a doctor is coming in September, but they may need us out earlier, because they want to do renovations on the house.

We have nowhere to go. There is never anything available in this town. So we are pretty stressed. I have already started packing, and I already feel completely overwhelmed.



Blogger ~Crystal~ said...

Oh Sarah, my goodness! When is rains it pours, huh?

If I lived closer I would come help you pack. I know how stressful it is to have to move, when you have to be out of a place & no where to go. Is there anything closer to Gabe's work?

12:28 p.m.  
Blogger Staci said...

So is it broke? The picture looked pretty bad....

1:10 p.m.  

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