Monday, July 17, 2006

Berry Picking

Today, Mom and I, along with my nephew, K.C., and my niece, Alli, went saskatoon berry picking. I am a huge berry fan. I have a large patch of raspberries in my backyard, which I can get fresh raspberries off of every day. The saskatoon's were unreal where we were picking, they were growing in large clumps, like grapes.

Here is a picture of one stem of the saskatoon's.

I picked about 5 pounds, which is enough for us for now. Mom and I are going to head back picking again soon. Mom wants to get started making pies. (My mom is one of those ladies who makes at least 100 pies at once) I prefer all my berries raw, plus I make a lot of smoothies. I am looking forward to my raspberry, saskatoon berry smoothies. They will be so good!

Here are the saskatoon's I picked. They are all wet and shiny from being in the fridge.


Blogger ~Crystal~ said...

What are saskatoons? I've never heard of those before. Are they like blueberries?

I love raspberries too.

12:02 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in saskatoon now.
could you tell me where is the picking site you went? I;m also a huge berry fan,:)
could u email me? thanks!

12:48 p.m.  

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