Monday, December 18, 2006

House worries...

I am feeling a little nervous about the whole house situation. I phoned my realtor today to see if there has been any more offers on the house. There haven't been. There is just ours and one other. I just wish I knew what the one other was so I could offer a bit higher. We find out on Friday if we get the house, and Gabe and I are just praying and hoping that we will get it.
My application for moving my maternity leave two weeks earlier has been approved (or as I was told, "we have no choice, we have to give you what you request") Can I request a million dollars? Can I request that they provide me with a house and do all my moving for me? Wouldn't that be nice?
I am still not done all of my Christmas shopping. I am pretty much done, but I still have a bit left to go.
Please continua to pray that we get this house. We have to move either way, it would just be nice to have our own place that is OURS to move into. I am not looking forward to moving when I am just 1 week shy of my due date. Yuck!


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