Sunday, December 03, 2006

Boy, oh boy

I am so pathetic at keeping this updated. I find myself overwhelmed with everything right now. I am so forgetful. I have never been a forgetful person and I have always had a really sharp mind. Ever since I have been pregnant, I can't remember a thing. I forget things at the grocery store (once I forgot milk and eggs!) I forgot who just talked to me, I forget who wanted me to call them back, I forget where I put my things, I forget everything! It is so frustrating to have to take the time to right everything down.
The countdown is on. I have less then 10 weeks left until baby arrives. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I am not sure how I will be able to handle the pain. I am hoping to have my baby free of any drugs, but I am going in with an open mind. I am worried, though. I can't even handle period cramps without some painkillers!
At my last doctors appointment, my doctor told me that he was a little concerned about the my baby's growth. He said it wasn't a big deal, but the baby seems smaller then it should. I had to go for an ultrasound on Thursday, and I have another doctors appointment on Wednesday. The only thing is, my doctor is gone for all of December! I have another doctor in his place. When the doctor first told me that he was concerned, I was out in my car crying. I am not worrying now, though. I don't even want to worry about anything until I have too. I just pray that God will take care of my little one and I.
I think we are putting in an offer on a house this week. We like this one a lot.
The snow here is crazy! I have been meaning to take a picture to put on my blog, but guess what? I forgot that too!


Blogger ~Crystal~ said...

I want to see the snow!!!

And from what I understand you won't be getting your memory back. ;)

1:07 a.m.  

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