Monday, November 27, 2006

I know I have not posted in a while. Life has been crazy is so many ways, and not so crazy in other ways.
Volleyball is all done. We had a good year, but does it ever feel good to be done. It takes up so much time. I am enjoying the break. I needed time to prepare my self for this new addition that is coming to our family.
We are starting to feel pretty nervous about baby coming. There was a teacher at work who had agreed to sell us all of here baby stuff (everything, like crib, stroller, car seat, high chair, baby swing, etc.) but she just recently decided that she does not want to sell it anymore. She did say that we could borrow it, but both Gabe and I are uncomfortable with that. You know that old saying, "Never a borrower or a lender be." It just leads to hard feelings. So, we have gone and priced out some stuff that we will be buying around Christmas. See, we save all of my pay checks and we live off of Gabe's pay. We will, however, have to use my pay check for some of this baby stuff because it is expensive! Gabe was so cute when we were pricing things out. At first he just seemed shocked at how expensive everything was, but by the end of it, he was picking out what time of nursery theme he wanted for the babies crib and decorations on the wall. He won't even look at the pink stuff, he thinks for sure that we are having a boy!
I am about to head out for schoool, but I will post later. This time, I am pretty sure of that!


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