Thursday, December 14, 2006

Maternity Leave

I am really getting tired of my job. I have been having a lot of people tell me that I should start my maternity leave after Christmas holidays, and not wait until January 26. You know, it really depends if we get this house or not. If we do, then I will have to work all day, then come home and pack and clean. I know that my body cannot physically handle that.
Today I came home from work and took Buddy for a walk to go get the mail. About halfway to the post office, his feet started to freeze from the snow (I try to put boots on him, but he just bites them off) I had to carry him for the rest of the way, which believe it or not, gets to be a lot of extra weight to carry (him and my belly!)
I came home and I made a big pot of soup, a batch of buns, and a batch of oatmeal cookies. My feel are killing me and I am exhausted. That isn't even that much work, but I am so tired! How the heck am I supposed to move to a new house and work at the same time. My mom wants me to just relax and enjoy this time, because I won't be alone for a lllllooooongggg time after the baby comes.
What to do? What do you think? Go all the way until January 26th, or start my maternity leave during Christmas holidays?


Blogger ~Crystal~ said...

I totally say after the Christmas break. You life is going to be chaotic enough without having to add going to work to the mix. Plus you need to nest...not just rest, but nest.

1:25 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start it ASAP.

5:13 p.m.  

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