Friday, December 15, 2006

Stress Has Fallen On Our Home

So for those of you who know, we rent our house. I just got a call today that our house has SOLD. We have to be out of here by the end of January. 9 days before my due date. Yuck. I am just praying that we get that house. Please, say a prayer for us. We really want that house, and now we really need it! I have requested that my maternity leave start 2 weeks earlier, so I will go back for a week after Christmas, and then I will be done. We will see if it is accepted, but even if they say no, I am still going. I kind of feel yucky, because I hate, hate, hate packing. It has to be done though. Gabe and I are going to pick up boxes tomorrow. That's the stress that I have now.


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