Monday, December 11, 2006

A house?

We just put in a bid on a house. It isn't even the house we were looking at! Yesterday morning, I remembered that my realtor had called me about an open house for a house that is in the same town that Gabe works in. We went and took a look at it and we fell in love with it! It is small, but it is super cozy. It was built in 1992, and it has new windows, new kitchen cupboards, new flooring. Oh, everything is so neat and tidy and perfect to bring our new little baby home too. We will find out if we got it or not on Decemeber 22. There is another offer on the house, so there is no way for us to know if we bid higher or not. It is all in God's hands, if we get this house or not. It is less then a block from where Gabe works. Do you have any idea how much we will save on gas alone? I will be home with the baby and Gabe can walk to work! We are pretty excited and anxiously awaiting to see if we get the new house. The one thing is, the move in date would be no earlier then January 25. That is cutting it pretty close with a new baby due on February 9. But it is kind of nice that is coincides with the day I go on maternity leave, January 26. I am so excited that I couldn't sleep last night. Now I am so tired!


Blogger ~Crystal~ said...

That's super exciting. I'll be praying. Is there a website with pictures? I'd love to see it.

Oh & I miss ya.

3:25 a.m.  

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