Thursday, December 07, 2006

Why is it so hard to think of an appropriate title?

Okay. Well yesterday was a good day. I took the day off school. (That alone in itself makes it a great day!) My mom came in and picked me up and we headed into the city for my appointments. We went to walmart and did a bit of shopping. I headed over to my chiropractors office for my appointment. I love my chiropractor. He is an amazing man, not to mention he's really cute. Don't worry, Gabe is okay with me calling him cute. Anyway, he is a miracle worker on this pregnant body of mine. I have been having problems with my one hip ever since I became pregnant (which my mom and my sister also had throughout all of their pregnancies) My sister just dealt with the pain, which I was unable to do because I was in tears many a night because I was unable to sleep due to the throbbing that was occurring in my hips and lower back. Then, I went back to see my old faithful chiropractor. I have been seeing him every two weeks, and the results are amazing. I have no pain while walking, and I have very little pain when I roll over in bed. He told me yesterday at my appointment that my hip looks really good and then when it comes time to have my baby, I'm going to "pop it out like a pez dispenser". I thought it was funny.

I had my doctors appoitment a little later. I was a little nervous about it because 1. my regular doctor wasn't there, he is always for all of December and 2. last appointment they told me that my baby didn't seem to be growing as quickly as it should. I went in and met my new doctor for December who is super nice. I liked her a lot. When she measure my stomach, she said there is absolutely nothing to be concerned about. She said the baby may have slowed growing for a bit there, but it has more then made up for it in the last two weeks. She said it is a good healthy size, and everything looks great. What a relief!

Okay, blogger sucks today. Everything I type is taking about 30 seconds to show up on screen and every 3 minutes, the screen goes completely blank and then comes back to where I left off. It is annoying and frustrating so I am going to stop writing for now.

I promise I will have pictures of all the snow here and a picture of my belly soon.


Blogger ~Crystal~ said...

Praise the Lord, things are fine with the baby!

I'm supposed to go the Chiro for my neck....I'm gonna go after Christmas.

3:20 a.m.  

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