Friday, June 29, 2007

I'M BA-ACK.....sort of.

Where has the time gone?

I can't believe it has been 5 months since I last posted on here. I have to give those of you who update your blogs regularly, especially daily, a lot of credit. That is quite the committment. As cheesy as it may seem, I feel as if I have let this part of my life fade away, and I miss it. I miss the great friends I have met through blogging, and I apologize for being so lousy at keeping in touch.

A lot has happened since January. We moved at the beginning of February to a acreage, which was quite an accomplishment in itself as I was just shy of my due date when we moved. We were barely settled in when we were off to the hospital to have our first baby.

I won't go into my labour story, I will share that some other time. On February 14 at 1:10 am, we welcomed our bouncing baby boy into the world. He weighed 9 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 22 inches long. Because I am as protective as a fierce mother bear, I will not share his name or his pictures. At least not now. I'm not comfortable with that.

He is a very big boy, weighing in at 13 pounds, 1 ounce at his one month appointment, and 17 pounds, 4 ounces at his three month appointment. Needless to say, breastfeeding is going really well.

Our boy is almost 5 months old, and I can't believe how much our lives have changed. We are currently trying to buy (still..) our first home. We are waiting to hear back if the sellers have accepted our offer, which is super exciting. The house needs a lot of work, but the market is going crazy, so we knew we needed to jump aboard or be swallowed completely.

The house is in town, but has a huge, beautiful, private yard. It is just what we were looking for. We are also excited about fixing it up. It is mostly cosmetic work, which is good.

I should run, life is calling.