Friday, June 30, 2006


I am sorry that I am not blogging much. I have not been feeling all that well. In fact, the worst cases of morning sickness seem to come during the evening. I have only had one really bad evening, where I was vomiting for about an hour. It was no fun at all.

I got my results back from my tests and the doctor said everything couldn't be more perfect. The pang that I have been feeling in my lower abdomen are a strain in my round ligament and my quickly growing uterus. I am so happy everything is normal.

School is now officially out for the summer. It feels so good to sleep in everyday. It is just what I needed.

I am going to keep this short because it is Canada Day Weekend and we are planning on heading out to the lake, but first Gabe wants to get his "baby" on the road. Gabe has a 69 cougar that he has fully restored. It is a beautiful car but a pig on gas.

Happy Canada Day!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Why I haven't blogged in while

Besides being really tired, there is other things that have been going on. I started having some pain in my lower abdomen. I didn't feel worried about it, but I wanted to get it check out just in case. I went to my doctor, and he felt my stomach, and he is presuming that I have a stretched ligament in my abdomen. He sent me for some tests just to be sure. I have had to go three times for blood work every 48 hours. I have my last blood work on Monday. The blood work is to moniter my hcg levels. I also got to go for an ultrasound. They told me to drink 5 8 ounce glasses of water an hour before I came, and I wasn't allowed to go pee. I wasn't quite sure how much 8 ounces were, but I was sure it was a full glass of water or a water bottle full. So, I drank 5 bottles of water (turns out there are 16 ounces in each bottle) Whenever I drink a glass of water, I will have to go pee at leats twice in the following hour.

By the time we got to the hospital, my bladder was hurting. They were supposed to have me in for my ultrasound at 2:15. I have never been an impatient person, but with a bladder that full, I had absolutely no patience. By 2:30, I could not take anymore. The receptionist told me I was permitted a three second pee. I took a three second pee, and that made it all worse. I was crying my eyes out. I was about to pee my pants. It was now 2:45 and I had gone almost two hours holding the fullest bladder I have ever held. The receptionist told me to go try another 3 second pee.

This time, I could not hold it. After the tree seconds, I tried to stand up, but the pee kept a-flowin'. I was bawling my eyes out on the toilet. I couldn't stop crying. I called Gabe from the door and told him to go tell the receptionist we needed to reschedule. I was an emotional wreck. The receptionist came and told me that they would try to do the ultrasound now anyway, despite the fact that I had emptied my bladder.

The ultrasound technician could see everything as clearly as she needed too. She said my bladder still had a lot of water in it. (no kidding, I drank over 2 litres of water!) After she was finished, she turned the screen to me. I got to see my baby! It is just tiny, it looks like a small peanut. Then the ultrasound technician told us to look where she was pointing and we saw it's tiny little heart beating. It was so amazing. She told us that was all they could look for in that test, and that from what they would see, everything is fine.

She even gave us a picture of the tiny baby. I don't have a scanner, so I took a picture of it with my digital camera. You will be able to see my baby peanut. It's really hard to see because it just looks like a little smudge. I was laughing while she took the picture. I circled the baby with blue. You will have to lcik on it to see the whole picture to even catch the tiniest glimpse.

I know this may not seem like a big deal to much, but it was huge to me. I can't believe I already got a glimpse of this beautiful baby that will be here in February. I will keep you posted on what happened with the blood work.

K.C.'s 9th Birthday

It was my nephews 9th birthday party on Saturday. His birthday was at the lake, so needless to say, there was a lot of water fights. K.C. had 5 friends come (2 others were unable to make it) They did a lot of tubing behind the boat, bouncing on the water trampoline, swimming, etc. All of the boys had a lot of fun.

On Friday, we had Jana's baby shower. I forgot my digital camera, so I have no pictures of the evening. It was pretty fun, and Jana got so much baby clothes. I am sure there was well over 100 outfits! It was crazy!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Anyone have any girl names?

I have been in love with the name Elijah for a long time. Gabe likes it too. We have already picked our boys name, Elijah Alexandre. (The Alexandre is after Gabe's grandpa who recently passed away)

We are completely stuck and clueless when it comes to girls names. We want a name that has not been used in our family yet. My favourite name is Hannah, but I have a cousin with that name. Right now, I am sort of thinking about Rachel, but I don't think Gabe is sold on that.

Please, anyone, leave me some names!

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Yes, it's true! I know that is is early to be telling (I will only be six weeks tomorrow) I don't care. Gabe and I are so excited.

I am however, so extremely tired. I have never been this tired in my life. I could sleep all day.

My bras are already starting to not fit, which isn't fun, because I am already big chested to begin with. Plus, my boobs hurt so bad!

I am also super hungry. I want to eat all the time. I think I have already gained a bit of weight. My pants feel a bit tighter then normal.

Please forgive me if I don't blog regularly. I am usually opting to sleep instead of being on the computer.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Big News

Gabe's brother finally got engaged! They have been dating for 6 years! It is about time. I love both of them and we are very excited for them!

We also have some more big news that I will be sharing soon. Trust me, I will keep you posted.

I had a crazy weekend. After work on Friday, I catered for 5 hour, then on Saturday, I catered for 12 hours, and on Sunday, I catered for 13 hours. Needless to say, I am still very tired and recovering from the crazy weekend.

That's all for now, folks!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Man, oh, man. So much has happened to me lately, I don't even know where to begin. And I won't begin to tell. Not yet.

There are so many emotions running through this body.

I feel like I need to sleep for hours but I don't want to fall asleep.

I just want to sit and think. Sit and think.

This weekend is super busy for me as far as catering goes. I will be catering at least 12 hours a day Saturday and Sunday, and I start after work on Friday. That takes my whole weekend.

I had a fight with my dad tonight. I think we are so similar, yet so different. My dad and I have always fought. It's not like anything terrible has happened between us, but we have just always argued.

I just wish I could keep my focus. I have lost my ability to concentrate on anything.

Monday, June 05, 2006

My other nieces and nephews

Since you all got a picture of my new niece, Serena, yesterday, I thought I would put on pictures of all my other nieces and nephews that I got this weekend.

My sweet niece, Torie. Doesn't she have a beautiful dimple? She always has the biggest smile whenever she sees me. I have told her since she was newborn that I was her favorite auntie!

My crazy, sweet niece, Alli. This is the best shot I got of her. She was being goofy in all the pictures, and in this one, her tongue is just starting to come out. Alli is a independent, strong willed, beautiful girl. Alli has the ability to wrap anyone around her little finger.

My crazy, sweet nephew, K.C. He, just like his sister, was being goofy in all of the pictures. I asked him if I could get one nice one of him and this is what I got. K.C. is a wonderful boy and is such a positive example to all of the other kids. He was my first nephew, and I am so proud of him.

My crazy, monkeyman, Isaac. This sweet little nephew of mine has a special place in my heart. I lived with him from the time he was 5 months old until he was over 1 year old. I got to experience a lot of his "firsts". He has an amazing sense of humor and loves to make people laugh.

This is Egan. She is so busy! She gets into everything! She is so darn cute and has the sweetest little voice. When you hug her, she feels as light as a feather and she just wraps her arms around you and hangs on for a long time. She always tells her mom, "I can't wait to go see your sister!" (me)

The best pizza, ever.

I know that this is totally lame to blog about, but I have just had the best pizza ever. I didn't even take a picture of it because it was so good, I ate it all. It was buffalo chicken pizza. What they did was take a pizza cross, and instead of tomato sauce, they used hot sauce. Then they topped it with chicken breast and mozzarella cheese. It was sooooo good. I love hot sauce. I think I am going to try to make this one homemade. I just wish I had a confection pizza oven so I could cook it as good as the pizza places do.

Anyway, I am super tired and I hope to go spend some time with my niece and nephew tonight. The new baby, Serena, should be home from the hospital now, so we may drop by there as well.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

My wonderful, wonderful weekend!

There is a reason I have not written in a while. I was in Lloydminster because my brother and his wife were having a baby!

Her name is Serena Grace (she has the same middle name as me!) She was 8 lbs, 8 oz, and she was 22 1/4 inches long. She is so beautiful.

I am so happy to welcome this brand new addition into our family. I now have 6 nieces and nephews and 2 more on the way in August! How great is it to be an aunt.

Another reason I have not been home is my sister's ex husband (who is also the one who cares for the children while my sister works) was in a work accident and has horribly injured his hand. He is on heavy pain killers and is unable to care for my niece and nephew. My mom and dad drove down to Calgary to pick up the kids, so between mom and I, we will have the kids here for a week.

I got to spend the weekend with K.C, Alli, and Torie (my nieces and nephews), welcome in Serana, and now will be spending the week with Isaac and Egan. It is rare that I get to see all of my nieces and nephews in one shot!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Feelin' good....

Today is a good day. Well, a good night really. We had my mom and dad over for supper and I made a pretty good supper.
I made caesar salad, garlic toast, corn on the cob, potatoes with onions, butter, salt and pepper cooked in tin foil, and shish kabobs. I used chicken breast, onions, mushrooms, and green peppers and I marinated them in a lemon, garlic, and herb marinade. They tasted so good.
Mom and dad thought we invited them over because we had an announcement for them, like I was pregnant or something. No way. We just wanted to thank them for keeping Buddy while we were gone at Gabe's grandpa.
Another reason for the good day, we have one of our credit cards completely paid off. There were two months last summer, after Gabe finished school. Gabe wasn't working and his grandma passed away. We were in a total bind. He needed a new suit, I needed a new outfit. It cost us a lot of money. And we had to use our credit cards to pay for it all. While we haven't used them since, we are still paying them off! One is completely done, and the other one is very close to being done. It feels really good.
I should have taken a picture or the supper. I keep on forgetting I have a digital camera now!
Also, today Gabe got a $2 raise without asking. It is a good day!

This is how Buddy looks everytime I say, "grandma." Buddy loves my mom. He tilts his head and then runs and sits by the door.